Second Annual New Jersey Higher Education Mental Health Summit Offers New Concepts and Resources for Campus Staff

Feb 4, 2025

Stevens Institute of Technology Hosts close to 400 Student-Facing Staff From More Than 35 New Jersey Colleges and Universities, Lawmakers, College Presidents, and Mental Health Experts During a Second Successful Conference Devoted to Learning and Sharing ‘Best Practices’ and Mental Health Resources in Response to Student Mental and Behavioral Health Issues

On January 9, 2025, one year removed from the highly successful and impactful inaugural New Jersey Higher Education Mental Health Summit hosted by ICUNJ member Seton Hall University, hundreds of campus staff braved the fierce winds and an arctic chill to join their peers on the scenic Stevens campus in Hoboken overlooking the New York skyline. They came to engage with one another and learn about trends and opportunities available to address student mental health challenges. For the second straight year, the event was a sell-out reflecting the importance placed on meaningful and effect planning and response by our campus communities in New Jersey. Meeting student mental health needs is an issue faced on every campus. The value in learning what is working and what may not be as impactful drives participation. Twenty compelling breakout sessions, offered attendees the opportunity to learn from mental campus and external mental health experts about resources and tolls that can be taken back to their institutions and their students.

Said Steve Reynolds, President of the Independent Colleges and Universities (‘ICUNJ’), “the success of the first two Summits reflects the importance of the issues facing our students across the state and the nation and demonstrates the special commitment that New Jersey and its 54 institutions of higher education have placed on providing safe and healthy learning environments for their over 62,000 students. We at ICUNJ are particularly proud that our 13 universities and their presidents recognized the value of such an event back in 2022, when they chose to proceed with plans for the first Summit and then to expand the event to include all 54 schools in our state. New Jersey remains the only state in the nation to conduct a statewide summit inclusion of all higher education sectors thus benefitting all students. The commitment serves to further demonstrate demonstrates why we are the ‘Education State’. “

The importance of this day was also reflected in the attendance of close to 40 college presidents and dignitaries from around the state, including Senator Joseph Cryan (Chair of the Senate Higher Education Committee), Assemblywoman Linda Carter (Chair of the Assembly Higher Education Committee) and Secretary of Higher Education Brian Bridges. Recognizing the importance of the Summit, the New Jersey Presidents’ Council chose to conduct its annual meeting at the same site during the morning.

Speaking with organizers, college presidents and students provides a complete picture of how everyone is coming together to support programs that address mental and behavioral issues. Fox 5 NY spent time at the Summit capturing input from the constituents. The full program list with plenary speakers noted can be found in the Program Book. Participants in the Resource Fair with contact information are also provided.


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