Virtual Education Career Fair
Students and Alumni Engaged with Education Employers Remotely
On Friday, May 1st, the Independent Colleges and Universities for NJ (ICUNJ) held its very first Virtual Education Career Fair. It was open to all students and alumni from New Jersey’s 14 Independent Colleges and Universities who have an interest in jobs and/or careers in education.
Almost 150 job seekers, a combination of both ICUNJ students and alumni, pre-registered for the event. Twenty-two New Jersey school districts and an education staffing firm were at the ready via the Zoom platform to meet with candidates. Participants held real-time, one-on-one conversations with hiring managers in the education sector.
The career fair was a three-hour event that took place from 3pm to 6pm. The first two hours were open for “drop-in” screening interviews with all school districts. Candidates were invited to log into an employer of interest’s “Zoom room” to discuss opportunities one-on-one. Job seekers sometimes had to wait their turn to speak to the next available hiring manager. The final hour was reserved for “appointment only” interviews, where employers, based on conversations from the first two hours, invited candidates to return to speak with them.
Representatives from the school districts as well as students and alum, reported that it was a good experience overall, and very much appreciated the opportunity to connect in this way in spite of stay-at-home orders.
“Thank you so much! My meeting with Bordentown went very well.” –Kitty Stillufsen
Virtual Career Fair Flyer