Online Donations
Please click the Donate button to make your contribution through a secure PayPal site. The ICUNJ is a tax-exempt New Jersey corporation. It qualifies as a section 509(a) public foundation under the Internal Revenue Code All gifts are fully deductible as allowed under present laws.
Undesignated gifts are divided among the member institutions according to a mutually agreed upon distribution formula which considers full-time equivalency enrollment, and past year distributions through ICUNJ with the remainder of funds allocated equally. If you desire to designate any part of your contribution or would like to provide a gift in memory or in honor of someone special, please note your instructions on the memo line that appears during the gift information input process. The memo line can also be used to note sponsorship information with level of support noted. Please provide complete contact information so that we may reach out to you should any questions arise.
For information concerning any of our member colleges and universities, please email MaryAlice Breuninger at mabreuninger@njcolleges.org.
Thank you for your generous support.