Undergraduate Research Symposium

Independent Colleges Showcase New Jersey’s Best and Brightest Minds

Since it was established in 2012, the annual ICUNJ Undergraduate Research Symposium has given students at our 13 member institutions the opportunity to conduct in-depth research on a wide variety of scientific topics of special interest to them.

The Symposium challenges students at New Jersey’s independent colleges and universities to explore science and technology through hands-on, inquiry-based learning. Working closely with leading faculty on their campuses, students test innovative concepts, prepare poster presentations and defend their results to judges. The program was initiated as a way to deepen the engagement of students on campuses in STEM careers and encourage persistence in STEM majors.

Throughout the Fall and into the early weeks of the Spring semester, students eager to bring innovation to current health and community issues engage in independent research.  Student research is funded through sponsorships and research-focused scholarships. Last year, over 40 student research projects were showcased during a half-day forum held at Bell Works in Holmdel, New Jersey. During the Symposium, students enjoy the unique opportunity to network with judges from New Jersey’s leading industries. “I felt as though I was interacting with the Albert Einsteins of the 21st century,” said one past judge.

Each year high school students from an area school are encouraged to attend the event to learn about research and serve as youth evaluators while gaining insight into the opportunities offered at our member institutions to learn, explore and grow. Early involvement at the high school level helps to feed the talent pipeline and encourages promising students to consider in-state college options.

The Symposium kicks off each year with a program designed to offer participants insights into strategies for career and life success. In the past, industry leaders have shared the value of  mentors helping evaluate career opportunities; the importance of learning about the company and industry not just the elements of a job; and the rewards gained from engaged with peers, team members and the community – who can open a door or make a connection can come from anywhere; and how to plan from job one to have economic viability over a lifetime. At the end of the day, top performers are recognized for their outstanding work and presentation outcomes.

ICUNJ is grateful for the outstanding support it has received from PSEG and BD. Thanks to their generosity, ICUNJ has been able to fund independent student research each year. Funding and the generosity of Bell Works has offset expenses the expenses of the Symposium allowing the majority of funding to go to students. Bell Works provides a unique setting that depicts an example of a “metroburb” offering a work-life setting that brings business and community interests into a shared environment.

Each year, ICUNJ recruits judges from across industries employing STEM majors. The time commitment is minor but the impressions left from the day are lasting. Join us.